The Hollywood Bowles

Those who can't write, edit. Those who can't edit, blog.

I’m sorry. I have to say something. I had a problem with Val, and I have a problem with Val, the Amazon film that’s dazzling critics and has set social media a’swoon. Complete with yearbook videos of Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise, Kevin Bacon and others from the dimpled heyday of a Dirty Dancing generation, Val charts the Shakespearean fall of …

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  Amazon is going to revoke my membership for sure. First, I wrote to Jeff Bezos asking him why his Amazon logo looks like an erect penis, arching toward a vaginal “O” (I still await a response, Jeff). Then I attempted to play provocateur on the Amazon website, which featured an absurd webcam that tosses …

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  I recently came across a University of Indiana study that advertisers are increasingly turning to subliminal ads to woo millennials (who knew millennials  had subliminal…anythings?). From sex to software, the study said, an Internet-fed generation increasingly relies on fleeting visual clues for information. The study wasn’t much of a jaw dropper: Journalism had to do a similar …

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