The Hollywood Bowles

Those who can't write, edit. Those who can't edit, blog.

Finch wants desperately to be a good boy. It learned all the movies it wanted to be. Rain Man; 2001: A Space Odyssey; E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. It had a beloved breed in Tom Hanks, who established his canine flick bonafides with Turner and Hooch. He won a couple Oscars, too. But Finch ultimately is a good argument for why the MPAA needs …

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  One of the nicest things about returning to class is to see chalkboards again. And erase boards, bulletin boards, Post-It notes  — basically any host to the hand-written word. Hell, even the (grammatical) graffiti and light posts doubling as billboards that dot the UCLA campus are a fun read. It’s like a paleolithic Craigslist. I’ve had memorable experiences …

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  Hey bro, It’s been too long since I’ve written you, but not a day’s length since I’ve thought of you. I can’t imagine you’d tolerate any place without Wifi, but, just in case reception is spotty, a quick update: I thought of you this weekend, kickoff of the NFL season. Why did we know …

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  By circumstance and TV viewing habits, I’ve been particularly attuned to the advertising world of late. And while I still believe corporations will be the ruination of America (we seem to have forgotten that money burns), business may be unintentionally performing a public good. Consider: Three years ago, six states recognized gay marriage.  Today, it’s 36 — plus …

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