The Hollywood Bowles

Those who can't write, edit. Those who can't edit, blog.

  Man, are we getting repetitive. To my colleagues in the media: Please stop saying this could be the scandal that topples the president. At the end of every week since Trump took office, the 24/7 squawkers have been trying to justify Chicken Little bullhorns. “It’s been a rough week for the president,” a newscaster …

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  I just watched the umpteenth interview with an apoplectic reporter proclaiming the sky was falling (or, as I call it, Chicken Littling) after the latest rumor to circulate from the Trump administration: that he may deport all press to the Executive Office Building next door to the White House. To hear them, you’d think Trump …

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  My head is going to pop off like a dandelion’s if I hear one more fresh-faced newscaster wax philosophic on how Donald Trump represents a true break from the political rules of old. True, Donald sealed his fate with last week’s hot mic, but the scandal, however salacious, is hardly new. I know Twitter …

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  So rare, when sensation meets realization. How often do we hype up, only to be let down? Titanics sink. Hindenburgs blaze.  Y2Ks fizzle. Super Bowls are rarely super. And you just know the new Star Wars is gonna suck. But somewhere, a pig is flying over its pasture. Somewhere, Satan is getting pelted with snowballs. …

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  Another Sunday Mass. This time, a gay Florida nightclub, where 50 people were shot to death and another 50 wounded (by conservative estimate) today. There’s no reason to expect this shooting to unfold any differently than, say, the Sunday Mass in Charleston. The sane will say this needs to stop. The confederacy of dunces …

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  Damn I miss Jon Stewart. He would be having a field day with the Republicans. Donald Trump continues to trounce the GOP presidential wannabes, despite his tendency to blow your mind straight out of your ass with his racism, chauvinism, and general disdain for anyone not named Donald John Trump. Hell, even his hair …

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